Data & Innovation • Education • Microsoft
Implementation of Windows Virtual Desktop
An important campus of the University of Guadalajara achieved a significant reduction in licensing costs by 87%.
About the client
The public institution of middle-higher and higher education based in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, chronologically, according to its foundation, is the second oldest and most important university in Mexico, the seventeenth in North America, and the fourteenth in Latin America.
Since 1994, the University has operated through a network model to organize its academic activities.
The University Network is comprised of 15 university centers, a Virtual University System, a High School Education System, and the General Administration of the institution.
For the 2021-2022 academic cycle, the total enrollment of the University Network amounts to 310,000 students, at both the Higher and Middle levels.
The client wishes to implement Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) services to meet the needs of up to 3000 students in the final phase of the year 2021.
The following profiles are required by the University of Guadalajara to meet the students’ demand, each containing the necessary software: Contpaq-i and Nominaq.
Nubiral offers its professional services team to the client to carry out the correct implementation of Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) services.
The following work plan is proposed:
1. Only 10% of the students will be enabled, which amounts to 300.
2. Information gathering.
3. Requirements gathering for service parameterization.
4. Analysis of installation and configuration prerequisites for WVD.
5. Verification of Microsoft Azure AD and Microsoft AD.
6. Validation of licensing centralization.
7. Definition of profiles (workspaces).
8. Configuration of the WVD environment.
9. Synchronization between Microsoft AD and Microsoft Azure AD.
10. Configuration and deployment of the WVD solution.
11. Parameterization of the WVD service.
12. Parameterization and configuration of license servers with the WVD service.
13. Creation of CONTPAQi license server.
14. Network configuration to interact WVD and license server.
15. Configuration of WVD profiles (workspaces).
16. Transition to production and knowledge delivery.
The client successfully ensured that all users have a similar experience to that of in-person labs through Azure Virtual Desktop, amidst the pandemic situation. Additionally, they achieved a significant reduction in licensing costs by 87% thanks to the flexibility and scalability provided by Microsoft Azure, where you pay for usage.
Además lograron reducir de manera considerable el costo de licenciamiento en un 87%, gracias a la flexibilidad y escalabilidad que entrega Microsoft Azure, donde pagas por el uso.
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