We harness the power of data for better decision making within an innovative organizational culture, through our team of Data Architects, Data Scientists and Data Engineers.
This evolves into gigantic volumes of data, which using the tools provided by the cloud allows us not only to improve its analysis but also to implement Machine Learning and AI to increase business intelligence.
Virtual health channel that uses cognitive technologies such as artificial intelligence, in order to optimize and speed up the times of health institutions.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence that empower a rapid automation of end-to-end business processes and accelerate digital transformation.
This important Argentine energy company chose Nubiral to obtain high-level support for its Oracle solutions and an advanced monitoring system for its critical IT assets.
A single platform and a single visualization to gain efficiency when managing the more than 1,600 devices of this energy company with a solid presence in Latin America and more than 100 years in the industry.
Modernizing DevOps to take agility to the next level
This leading Colombian company in the hydrocarbon transportation and logistics industry is now able to respond quickly to the demands of a fast-moving market.
New data platform with analytics and machine learning
The implementation of Microsoft Fabric enables this company in charge of coordinating the generation, transmission and distribution of power in Argentina to capitalize on the value of its data and even generate new monetization alternatives.
Learn about our architecture that combines at least one public and one private cloud to deliver the highest levels of scalability, flexibility, and performance.
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.
Application migration, optimization, efficiency, security, analytics and implementation services, with the aim of simplifying and accelerating the adoption of the latest IT trends in the market.
We scale to environments with thousands of items monitored simultaneously.
We also capture data of systems and applications over time to make proactive decisions and to anticipate disruptions in business services.
One of the leading banks in Chile utilizes the most advanced AWS services to work on the ingestion, storage, detection, and predictive models of data from cybersecurity intelligence sources.
As an Advanced Consulting Partner of the AWS Partner Network, we think outside the box, daring to go where no one has gone before.
We constantly challenge ourselves to be better, providing your company with AWS solutions in a holistic and tailored way.
As Cloud Gold Partner, we work together with Microsoft every day to offer our clients the most innovative solutions based on the different microservices and capabilities that the Azure cloud offers.
Our team is constantly training and certifying on Azure’s services.
We scale to environments with thousands of items monitored simultaneously.
We also capture data of systems and applications over time to make proactive decisions and to anticipate disruptions in business services.
Nubiral and Diligent join to present a revolutionary solution that will transform the way organizations manage their GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) processes.
Innovative Blockchain solution with Smart Contracts on AWS
The project focuses on implementing a private blockchain platform to improve transparency, security, and efficiency in deployment and development processes.
We harness the power of data for better decision making within an innovative organizational culture, through our team of Data Architects, Data Scientists and Data Engineers.
This evolves into gigantic volumes of data, which using the tools provided by the cloud allows us not only to improve its analysis but also to implement Machine Learning and AI to increase business intelligence.
Virtual health channel that uses cognitive technologies such as artificial intelligence, in order to optimize and speed up the times of health institutions.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence that empower a rapid automation of end-to-end business processes and accelerate digital transformation.
This important Argentine energy company chose Nubiral to obtain high-level support for its Oracle solutions and an advanced monitoring system for its critical IT assets.
A single platform and a single visualization to gain efficiency when managing the more than 1,600 devices of this energy company with a solid presence in Latin America and more than 100 years in the industry.
Modernizing DevOps to take agility to the next level
This leading Colombian company in the hydrocarbon transportation and logistics industry is now able to respond quickly to the demands of a fast-moving market.
New data platform with analytics and machine learning
The implementation of Microsoft Fabric enables this company in charge of coordinating the generation, transmission and distribution of power in Argentina to capitalize on the value of its data and even generate new monetization alternatives.
Learn about our architecture that combines at least one public and one private cloud to deliver the highest levels of scalability, flexibility, and performance.
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.
Application migration, optimization, efficiency, security, analytics and implementation services, with the aim of simplifying and accelerating the adoption of the latest IT trends in the market.
We scale to environments with thousands of items monitored simultaneously.
We also capture data of systems and applications over time to make proactive decisions and to anticipate disruptions in business services.
One of the leading banks in Chile utilizes the most advanced AWS services to work on the ingestion, storage, detection, and predictive models of data from cybersecurity intelligence sources.
As an Advanced Consulting Partner of the AWS Partner Network, we think outside the box, daring to go where no one has gone before.
We constantly challenge ourselves to be better, providing your company with AWS solutions in a holistic and tailored way.
As Cloud Gold Partner, we work together with Microsoft every day to offer our clients the most innovative solutions based on the different microservices and capabilities that the Azure cloud offers.
Our team is constantly training and certifying on Azure’s services.
We scale to environments with thousands of items monitored simultaneously.
We also capture data of systems and applications over time to make proactive decisions and to anticipate disruptions in business services.
Nubiral and Diligent join to present a revolutionary solution that will transform the way organizations manage their GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) processes.
Innovative Blockchain solution with Smart Contracts on AWS
The project focuses on implementing a private blockchain platform to improve transparency, security, and efficiency in deployment and development processes.
Video analytics: una mirada inteligente sobre las imágenes
Con apoyo en la inteligencia artificial, hoy es posible obtener información para la toma de decisiones de enormes cantidades de imágenes capturadas en video: desde movimientos anómalos o sospechosos hasta la ruta de comportamiento de los consumidores.
Mucho se ha venido hablando de OpenIA en los últimos meses, el desarrollo de Chat GPT que está evolucionando el camino de la investigación en inteligencia artificial y la democratiza como una de las plataformas tecnológicas más especializadas y de mayor adopción.
Sin duda, Chat GPT como tal ha sido un agente catalizador que sigue acelerando el proceso de transformación digital. Y, si bien es la estrella hoy por hoy, también hay otras plataformas y modelos que están despegando, tales como la inteligencia artificial conversacional, los chatbots, los asistentes virtuales y los asistentes de voz, entre otros.
Además, la inteligencia artificial también está impulsando la automatización de procesos empresariales y la toma de decisiones basada en datos, lo que está generando importantes beneficios en términos de productividad y rentabilidad.
La innovación de Chat GPT
La atención que genera el ecosistema Chat GPT empuja a las organizaciones a repensar su modelo de negocio y, al mismo tiempo, a utilizar esta nueva plataforma a su favor, no solo como músculo para ganar velocidad y eficiencia en el desarrollo de sus soluciones, sino también para sumarla a su offering.
Esta plataforma abre un mundo de posibilidades para construir nuevos servicios y productos, utilizando por detrás los servicios cognitivos que ofrece, cuyo acceso se ha simplificado. Así, se abre la posibilidad de desarrollar un modelo de negocio utilizando inteligencia artificial donde no se necesite un ejército de ingenieros expertos en machine learning.
Pero, más allá de los grandes beneficios que ofrece Chat GPT per se, las empresas deben iniciar un camino guiado por la innovación y la transformación, donde deben trabajar fuertemente en la identificación de casos de uso que les permitan tangibilizar y medir los beneficios en el menor tiempo posible.
Avances de soluciones con IA
Hace unas pocas semanas, Microsoft anunció, en conjunto con OpenAI, una cantidad importante de servicios, que giran en torno de sus diferentes áreas de soluciones. En el caso de Azure, Microsoft & OpenAI anunciaron: Azure Open AI, Github Copilot, Microsoft 365 Copilot, Copilot in Power Platform, New Bing & Edge using ChatGPT, Dynamics 365 Copilot y Security Copilot.
En el caso de Nubiral, y asociado al trabajo continuo con nuestros clientes, hemos podidoidentificar casos de uso; esto es, necesidades en nuestros clientes. Tal es el caso de los call center, cuyo interés radica en transcribir conversaciones para identificar puntos clave dentro de la conversación, o para la atención de indicadores regulatorios.
O también el caso de las plataformas de streaming, cuya atención está puesta en optimizar los motores de búsqueda. O las plataformas de e-commerce, que buscan facilitar el análisis de sus competidores.
Desde nuestra experiencia, el primer paso para una empresa que quiere comenzar a explorar GPT o cualquiera de estos modelos para su negocio, es identificar el caso de uso, la funcionalidad concreta sobre la cual se lo querrá aplicar, la interacción con el usuario final y, a partir de ahí, investigar, desarrollar y experimentar. Los casos de uso funcionan como un agente catalizador para repensar y acelerar estos procesos de innovación y transformación digital.
Esta trayectoria debe tener presente que estamos hablando de una tecnología nueva, incipiente. Hay que emprenderla con una mentalidad muy experimental, estando dispuestos a fracasar y, a la vez, a toparnos con descubrimientos con los que, ni siquiera, estábamos buscando encontrarnos.
En el proceso debemos estar muy pendientes de las validaciones, para tener un ambiente controlado. Debemos llevar a cabo un análisis de cómo mejorar lo que tenemos, de complementar lo existente, en lugar de reemplazar un proceso por otro.
Esta forma de proceder es fundamental en el trabajo con tecnologías tan innovadoras, y se relaciona con el manejo de las expectativas. No siempre se obtendrán los resultados esperados en los tiempos deseados, por lo que hay que ser cuidadosos y aceptar que, en el día a día, surgirán distintos desafíos que debemos poder manejar.
Proyecciones al futuro
Esta es una carrera en donde habrá ganadores y perdedores, y donde la oferta se ampliará. Eso implica una mayor competencia, porque las empresas tendrán más opciones para recurrir a este tipo de modelos de servicios para aplicarlos en su operación y modelos de negocio.
Estamos sólo observando la punta del iceberg, iremos descubriendo nuevas aplicaciones y utilidades, desafiandonos a pensar out-of-the-box, a repensar formas preexistentes. Solo el tiempo dirá hasta dónde llegaremos, ya que la tecnología siempre fuerza los límites de lo imaginable.
Habrá también cuestionamientos éticos y morales, pero el desafío es que, como industria, estemos a la altura, hagamos el esfuerzo intelectual y las inversiones necesarias en pos de mejorar cada vez más las condiciones en las que se hacen negocios y las personas viven.
En Nubiral sabemos el poder y las oportunidades que brinda la IA y Chat GPT. Contáctanos y conoce cómo estas nuevas tecnologías pueden ayudar a tu empresa en el camino a la optimización y la eficiencia.
Por Jorge Linares, Chief Revenue Officer de Nubiral
Webinar | Sustainability and Innovation: The path to an efficient and sustainable operation
Specialists in Sustainability and Business discuss the environmental problems that affect our daily lives, in addition with the benefits that the preservation of natural resources bring to companies.