Master Data Optimization
The master solution for smart decisions.
What is Master Data Optimization?
Together with the capabilities that the cloud provides, from Nubiral we offer the Master Data Optimization solution, which uses Machine Learning to automate the creation, remediation and continuous maintenance of master databases.
This solution is applicable for any industry that wants to know more about how to structure and consolidate its information to help business areas in the decision-making process.
Which are the objectives of Master Data Optimization?
Determine what master data attribute values should be used to optimize the creation of new customers by using existing data.
Improve automation capabilities based on business results with machine learning.
Determine the validity of current values in master data and suggest correct ones where they appear incorrect.
Deliverable tools of Master Data Optimization
Process flow that describes the steps for automation.
Proposal for industrialization of capacities.
Analytical methods developed for each of the attributes included in the scope, including summary findings.
Analytical results for outlier identification and value correction for all material records and attributes in scope.
Resultados analíticos para la identificación de valores atípicos y corrección de valor para todos los atributos y registros de materiales en el alcance.
Which are the benefits of Master Data Optimization?
Reduction of the amount of manual effort required to correct master data.
Data-driven approach to assessing problems within the master data.
Higher quality and confidence in data.
Centralized process to monitor the quality of master data.
Access the latest trends of the industry in Connect.
A space created by the most experienced specialists in technological innovation.
The Master Data Optimization solution uses Machine Learning to automate the creation, remediation and continuous maintenance of master databases.
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