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The 5G revolution: how it will impact business and everyday life

This new technology promises unprecedented levels of speed and would enable a new generation of real-time applications without limits or obstacles.

October 12, 2022 Read more
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DevOps & App Evolution -EN

DataOps: optimal data for the age of intelligence

Following the agile principles of DevOps, this methodology seeks to optimize data management, improve the quality of analysis and align data solutions with business needs.

September 28, 2022 Read more
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Data & Innovation -EN

Into the crypto world

Volatility, growing interest, supply multiplication, regulations… Cryptocurrency is evolving at great speed.

September 14, 2022 Read more
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Data & Innovation -EN

Video analytics: an intelligent look at images

With the support of artificial intelligence, it is possible to obtain information for decision-making from huge amounts of images captured on video: from abnormal or suspicious movements to the behavioral customer journey.

August 31, 2022 Read more
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Data & Innovation -EN

IoE: Connections without limits

The concept of the internet of everything begins to gain space. How this philosophy that proposes a significant and relevant connection among people, processes, data and devices is going to impact companies.

August 17, 2022 Read more
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Data & Innovation -EN

When robots take care of us

Applications of robotics in the health industry are numerous, and we are just seeing their first approximations.

July 20, 2022 Read more
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Data & Innovation -EN

Sustainability and innovation: when technology enables a better future

From artificial intelligence to the cloud, and from hyper-automation to analytical tools, data offers enormous possibilities to embark on a responsible and respectful path with our environment.

July 6, 2022 Read more
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DevOps & App Evolution -EN

Nanotechnology: simple solutions

A look at the world where big problems are solved on a small scale.

June 22, 2022 Read more
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Hybrid Multi-Cloud -EN

High performance computing, to the cloud

The numbers behind a phenomenon that grows day by day and the underlying technologies that make the exchange of virtual money possible.

June 8, 2022 Read more
Blog -EN
Data & Innovation -EN

OTT and On Demand content: the innovation behind this phenomenon

The consumption of audiovisual content changed forever. Here is a look at the business models and technologies that make them possible.

May 25, 2022 Read more
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Data & Innovation -EN

Trends: Cryptocurrencies are here to stay

Find out about the numbers behind a phenomenon that grows every day and the underlying technologies that make the exchange of virtual money possible.

May 11, 2022 Read more
Blog -EN
Data & Innovation -EN

Can data help us build a better future?

The application of analytical tools, big data and artificial intelligence, among other technologies, promises a more sustainable planet, a more innovative society and a better quality of life.

April 27, 2022 Read more