We harness the power of data for better decision making within an innovative organizational culture, through our team of Data Architects, Data Scientists and Data Engineers.
This evolves into gigantic volumes of data, which using the tools provided by the cloud allows us not only to improve its analysis but also to implement Machine Learning and AI to increase business intelligence.
Virtual health channel that uses cognitive technologies such as artificial intelligence, in order to optimize and speed up the times of health institutions.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence that empower a rapid automation of end-to-end business processes and accelerate digital transformation.
This important Argentine energy company chose Nubiral to obtain high-level support for its Oracle solutions and an advanced monitoring system for its critical IT assets.
A single platform and a single visualization to gain efficiency when managing the more than 1,600 devices of this energy company with a solid presence in Latin America and more than 100 years in the industry.
Modernizing DevOps to take agility to the next level
This leading Colombian company in the hydrocarbon transportation and logistics industry is now able to respond quickly to the demands of a fast-moving market.
New data platform with analytics and machine learning
The implementation of Microsoft Fabric enables this company in charge of coordinating the generation, transmission and distribution of power in Argentina to capitalize on the value of its data and even generate new monetization alternatives.
Learn about our architecture that combines at least one public and one private cloud to deliver the highest levels of scalability, flexibility, and performance.
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.
Application migration, optimization, efficiency, security, analytics and implementation services, with the aim of simplifying and accelerating the adoption of the latest IT trends in the market.
We scale to environments with thousands of items monitored simultaneously.
We also capture data of systems and applications over time to make proactive decisions and to anticipate disruptions in business services.
One of the leading banks in Chile utilizes the most advanced AWS services to work on the ingestion, storage, detection, and predictive models of data from cybersecurity intelligence sources.
Cybersecurity and observability: Keys to achieving digital immunity
Fighting cyber attacks is fundamental to business strategy and essential in the technological development of any organization. How to build an effective strategy?
Cybersecurity and observability: Keys to achieving digital immunity
Fighting cyber attacks is fundamental to business strategy and essential in the technological development of any organization. How to build an effective strategy?
As an Advanced Consulting Partner of the AWS Partner Network, we think outside the box, daring to go where no one has gone before.
We constantly challenge ourselves to be better, providing your company with AWS solutions in a holistic and tailored way.
As Cloud Gold Partner, we work together with Microsoft every day to offer our clients the most innovative solutions based on the different microservices and capabilities that the Azure cloud offers.
Our team is constantly training and certifying on Azure’s services.
We scale to environments with thousands of items monitored simultaneously.
We also capture data of systems and applications over time to make proactive decisions and to anticipate disruptions in business services.
Nubiral and Diligent join to present a revolutionary solution that will transform the way organizations manage their GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) processes.
Innovative Blockchain solution with Smart Contracts on AWS
The project focuses on implementing a private blockchain platform to improve transparency, security, and efficiency in deployment and development processes.
We harness the power of data for better decision making within an innovative organizational culture, through our team of Data Architects, Data Scientists and Data Engineers.
This evolves into gigantic volumes of data, which using the tools provided by the cloud allows us not only to improve its analysis but also to implement Machine Learning and AI to increase business intelligence.
Virtual health channel that uses cognitive technologies such as artificial intelligence, in order to optimize and speed up the times of health institutions.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence that empower a rapid automation of end-to-end business processes and accelerate digital transformation.
This important Argentine energy company chose Nubiral to obtain high-level support for its Oracle solutions and an advanced monitoring system for its critical IT assets.
A single platform and a single visualization to gain efficiency when managing the more than 1,600 devices of this energy company with a solid presence in Latin America and more than 100 years in the industry.
Modernizing DevOps to take agility to the next level
This leading Colombian company in the hydrocarbon transportation and logistics industry is now able to respond quickly to the demands of a fast-moving market.
New data platform with analytics and machine learning
The implementation of Microsoft Fabric enables this company in charge of coordinating the generation, transmission and distribution of power in Argentina to capitalize on the value of its data and even generate new monetization alternatives.
Learn about our architecture that combines at least one public and one private cloud to deliver the highest levels of scalability, flexibility, and performance.
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.
Application migration, optimization, efficiency, security, analytics and implementation services, with the aim of simplifying and accelerating the adoption of the latest IT trends in the market.
We scale to environments with thousands of items monitored simultaneously.
We also capture data of systems and applications over time to make proactive decisions and to anticipate disruptions in business services.
One of the leading banks in Chile utilizes the most advanced AWS services to work on the ingestion, storage, detection, and predictive models of data from cybersecurity intelligence sources.
Cybersecurity and observability: Keys to achieving digital immunity
Fighting cyber attacks is fundamental to business strategy and essential in the technological development of any organization. How to build an effective strategy?
As an Advanced Consulting Partner of the AWS Partner Network, we think outside the box, daring to go where no one has gone before.
We constantly challenge ourselves to be better, providing your company with AWS solutions in a holistic and tailored way.
As Cloud Gold Partner, we work together with Microsoft every day to offer our clients the most innovative solutions based on the different microservices and capabilities that the Azure cloud offers.
Our team is constantly training and certifying on Azure’s services.
We scale to environments with thousands of items monitored simultaneously.
We also capture data of systems and applications over time to make proactive decisions and to anticipate disruptions in business services.
Nubiral and Diligent join to present a revolutionary solution that will transform the way organizations manage their GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) processes.
Innovative Blockchain solution with Smart Contracts on AWS
The project focuses on implementing a private blockchain platform to improve transparency, security, and efficiency in deployment and development processes.
Cybersecurity and observability: Keys to achieving digital immunity
Fighting cyber attacks is fundamental to business strategy and essential in the technological development of any organization. How to build an effective strategy?
Modernizar la infraestructura, optimizar los costos, mejorar la eficiencia, aprovechar al máximo el potencial de cloud… La migración y optimización de cargas de trabajo de VMware a la nube deAWS es mucho más que un simple traslado: es una verdadera transformación estratégica.
Las alternativas son múltiples: modernizar las cargas de trabajo a contenedores, utilizar sistemas sin servidor (serverless) o elegir servicios gestionados. En todos los casos, los beneficios se multiplican.
Beneficios de migrar cargas de VMware a la nube de AWS
Como se mencionó, las organizaciones que deciden migrar cargas de trabajo de VMware a la nube de AWS obtienen numerosas ventajas. Algunas de las más destacadas son:
Escalabilidad, seguridad y rendimiento
La infraestructura global de AWS se caracteriza por estas tres características. Ofrece altísimos niveles de confiabilidad y una gama de servicios de seguridad abarcativa que puede fortalecerse aún más con la estrategia deciberseguridad apropiada.
Agilidad e innovación
La nube permite una mayor innovación, ya que se pueden incorporar y experimentar tecnologías emergentes sin límites. Además, es posible modernizar el desarrollo, las operaciones, las aplicaciones y los datos. Recordemos que AWS cuenta con una cartera de más de 200 servicios en este sentido.
Costos y flexibilidad
El control de costos llega de la mano de eliminar los ciclos de actualización de la infraestructura. También se logra un mejor dimensionamiento, lo que elimina el sobreaprovisionamiento. En este sentido, la presencia de un socio tecnológico puede ser clave para evaluar y entender de manera continua cómo se invierte el dinero en la nube.
Todos los caminos llevan de VMware a AWS
Existen diferentes rutas de migración y modernización de VMware a la nube de AWS. A continuación, describimos las más importantes.
Realojar máquinas virtuales en Amazon EC2
Se utiliza el esquema lift-and-ship, es decir, copiar las aplicaciones del entorno de origen a la nube de AWS. No hace falta realizar cambios en las aplicaciones.
Reubicación de los contenedores existentes en Amazon ECS o Amazon EKS
Consiste en migrar de plataformas de contenedores autoadministradas en VMware a servicios de contenedores gestionados por AWS, como Amazon ECS o Amazon EKS.
Redefinir la plataforma de las aplicaciones a Amazon ECS o Amazon EKS
Aquí, se trata de desplegar aplicaciones alojadas en VMware con rapidez. Es posible escalarlas sin límite. También, ejecutarlas como procesos aislados de recursos y garantizar despliegues rápidos, fiables y consistentes usando Amazon ECS o Amazon EKS. Todo esto, independientemente del entorno.
Redefinir la plataforma a servicios gestionados de AWS
En este plano, se buscará modernizar las aplicaciones generando un cambio hacia los servicios gestionados de AWS, como Amazon RDS o Amazon OpenSearch.
Refactorizar o rediseñar las aplicaciones a modelos serverless
Se transfieren las aplicaciones a la nube y se modifica su arquitectura. En este trayecto, se aprovechan al máximo las características nativas de cloud para mejorar la agilidad, el rendimiento y la escalabilidad. Se utilizan servicios sin servidor como AWS Lambda.
Los desafíos de la migración
Las migraciones suelen presentar desafíos, y el caso de VMware a la nube de AWS no es la excepción. Las empresas que decidan avanzar sobre esta transformación estratégica necesitan realizar una planificación cuidadosa. Entender qué cargas se deben migrar, cuándo y cómo puede ser un verdadero desafío. En especial cuando se trata de entornos con dependencias complejas.
Otro punto a tener en cuenta es el de las interrupciones operativas, en especial cuando el equipo de trabajo no tiene experiencia en migraciones. En estos casos, podrían alcanzarse períodos de inactividad innecesariamente extensos.
Por otra parte, muchas organizaciones no cuentan con los conocimientos técnicos necesarios para llevar a cabo la migración de manera eficiente. Esta falta de expertise interno puede atentar contra el éxito del proyecto.
La importancia de un socio tecnológico
Para contrarrestar los desafíos mencionados, nada mejor que contar con un socio tecnológico adecuado.
Desde la migración y el traslado hasta la reorganización y la refactorización de aplicaciones, desde Nubiral disponemos, como socios de AWS, de los conocimientos, laexperiencia y los recursos para acompañar a las organizaciones en este camino.
La migración de VMware a la nube de AWS es una decisión estratégica que puede transformar la operación de tu organización con niveles inéditos de flexibilidad, seguridad, resiliencia y acceso a la innovación.
Sin embargo, este proceso requiere planificación, experiencia y los aliados correctos.
¿Te interesa conocer más sobre cómo podemos ayudar a tu organización a migrar de VMware a la nube de AWS? ¡Agenda tu reunión!
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.