We harness the power of data for better decision making within an innovative organizational culture, through our team of Data Architects, Data Scientists and Data Engineers.
This evolves into gigantic volumes of data, which using the tools provided by the cloud allows us not only to improve its analysis but also to implement Machine Learning and AI to increase business intelligence.
Virtual health channel that uses cognitive technologies such as artificial intelligence, in order to optimize and speed up the times of health institutions.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence that empower a rapid automation of end-to-end business processes and accelerate digital transformation.
This important Argentine energy company chose Nubiral to obtain high-level support for its Oracle solutions and an advanced monitoring system for its critical IT assets.
A single platform and a single visualization to gain efficiency when managing the more than 1,600 devices of this energy company with a solid presence in Latin America and more than 100 years in the industry.
Modernizing DevOps to take agility to the next level
This leading Colombian company in the hydrocarbon transportation and logistics industry is now able to respond quickly to the demands of a fast-moving market.
New data platform with analytics and machine learning
The implementation of Microsoft Fabric enables this company in charge of coordinating the generation, transmission and distribution of power in Argentina to capitalize on the value of its data and even generate new monetization alternatives.
Learn about our architecture that combines at least one public and one private cloud to deliver the highest levels of scalability, flexibility, and performance.
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.
Application migration, optimization, efficiency, security, analytics and implementation services, with the aim of simplifying and accelerating the adoption of the latest IT trends in the market.
We scale to environments with thousands of items monitored simultaneously.
We also capture data of systems and applications over time to make proactive decisions and to anticipate disruptions in business services.
One of the leading banks in Chile utilizes the most advanced AWS services to work on the ingestion, storage, detection, and predictive models of data from cybersecurity intelligence sources.
As an Advanced Consulting Partner of the AWS Partner Network, we think outside the box, daring to go where no one has gone before.
We constantly challenge ourselves to be better, providing your company with AWS solutions in a holistic and tailored way.
As Cloud Gold Partner, we work together with Microsoft every day to offer our clients the most innovative solutions based on the different microservices and capabilities that the Azure cloud offers.
Our team is constantly training and certifying on Azure’s services.
We scale to environments with thousands of items monitored simultaneously.
We also capture data of systems and applications over time to make proactive decisions and to anticipate disruptions in business services.
Nubiral and Diligent join to present a revolutionary solution that will transform the way organizations manage their GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) processes.
Innovative Blockchain solution with Smart Contracts on AWS
The project focuses on implementing a private blockchain platform to improve transparency, security, and efficiency in deployment and development processes.
We harness the power of data for better decision making within an innovative organizational culture, through our team of Data Architects, Data Scientists and Data Engineers.
This evolves into gigantic volumes of data, which using the tools provided by the cloud allows us not only to improve its analysis but also to implement Machine Learning and AI to increase business intelligence.
Virtual health channel that uses cognitive technologies such as artificial intelligence, in order to optimize and speed up the times of health institutions.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence that empower a rapid automation of end-to-end business processes and accelerate digital transformation.
This important Argentine energy company chose Nubiral to obtain high-level support for its Oracle solutions and an advanced monitoring system for its critical IT assets.
A single platform and a single visualization to gain efficiency when managing the more than 1,600 devices of this energy company with a solid presence in Latin America and more than 100 years in the industry.
Modernizing DevOps to take agility to the next level
This leading Colombian company in the hydrocarbon transportation and logistics industry is now able to respond quickly to the demands of a fast-moving market.
New data platform with analytics and machine learning
The implementation of Microsoft Fabric enables this company in charge of coordinating the generation, transmission and distribution of power in Argentina to capitalize on the value of its data and even generate new monetization alternatives.
Learn about our architecture that combines at least one public and one private cloud to deliver the highest levels of scalability, flexibility, and performance.
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.
A tour of the main opportunities that arise from a correct and timely migration of workloads to the cloud, and the trends that are being visualized in the cloud universe.
Application migration, optimization, efficiency, security, analytics and implementation services, with the aim of simplifying and accelerating the adoption of the latest IT trends in the market.
We scale to environments with thousands of items monitored simultaneously.
We also capture data of systems and applications over time to make proactive decisions and to anticipate disruptions in business services.
One of the leading banks in Chile utilizes the most advanced AWS services to work on the ingestion, storage, detection, and predictive models of data from cybersecurity intelligence sources.
As an Advanced Consulting Partner of the AWS Partner Network, we think outside the box, daring to go where no one has gone before.
We constantly challenge ourselves to be better, providing your company with AWS solutions in a holistic and tailored way.
As Cloud Gold Partner, we work together with Microsoft every day to offer our clients the most innovative solutions based on the different microservices and capabilities that the Azure cloud offers.
Our team is constantly training and certifying on Azure’s services.
We scale to environments with thousands of items monitored simultaneously.
We also capture data of systems and applications over time to make proactive decisions and to anticipate disruptions in business services.
Nubiral and Diligent join to present a revolutionary solution that will transform the way organizations manage their GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) processes.
Innovative Blockchain solution with Smart Contracts on AWS
The project focuses on implementing a private blockchain platform to improve transparency, security, and efficiency in deployment and development processes.
En los últimos años hemos visto la adopción masiva por parte de las organizaciones de numerosas tecnologías innovadoras, incluyendo lanube y laanalítica de datos. Ninguna de ellas, no obstante, alcanzó la magnitud exponencial de la inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa. Un fenómeno que alcanza a todos los estratos de la sociedad y que nos hace replantear qué se considera un éxito de la transformación digital.
La presencia de la IA actúa como un catalizador en la búsqueda de nuevas soluciones, abriendo posibilidades y desafíos. La imaginación es el límite. Los casos de uso posibles son prácticamente infinitos y recién estamos viendo la punta de ese iceberg.
La velocidad sin precedentes de este avance tecnológico plantea retos significativos para las empresas. El horizonte es difícil de prever y materializar.
En este sentido, el ritmo vertiginoso del desarrollo tecnológico es un desafío que no debe subestimarse. La experimentación con IA no solo requiere comprensión, sino también la capacidad de llevar estas soluciones a producción de manera efectiva y hacer que aporte verdadero valor para el negocio.
El manejo ético de la IA generativa
Pero, como anticipamos, la IA generativa es al mismo tiempo una fuente de oportunidades y de desafíos, al punto que nos obliga a redefinir el concepto de éxito de la transformación digital.
¿Qué aspectos hay que considerar más allá de lo puramente tecnológico? En principio, la ética. Las empresas van a verse sometidas a un mayor escrutinio sobre el impacto social de sus implementaciones de IA. Por eso, empieza a ser más importante el compromiso de las empresas con el desarrollo de soluciones que amplíen las capacidades humanas sin destruir empleos.
Existe un temor asociado con este punto y una estrategia poco clara, que carezca de una comunicación efectiva y de un roadmap responsable, podría derivar en fuertes resistencias.
IA generativa y la transparencia
Otro punto clave que garantiza el éxito de la transformación digital en la era de la IA generativa es la transparencia. En especial, los aspectos regulatorios vinculados al uso de grandes modelos de IA, un tema que seguirá cobrando relevancia.
Esto puede no afectar directamente a las empresas usuarias, es cierto. Pero la comodidad y la aceptación social de estas tecnologías dependerá en gran medida de la apertura y la claridad en los procesos de entrenamiento.
La Unión Europea marcó el camino a seguir con la IA Act, que seguramente será tomada como ejemplo para desarrollar regulaciones adaptadas a otras geografías.
IA generativa y la seguridad
La IA generativa abre también desafíos importantes en función de la seguridad y la privacidad de los datos.
Las empresas necesitan prepararse para proteger mejor que nunca los datos y desarrollar aplicaciones cada vez más seguras desde el momento cero del diseño.
Tal como ocurre en términos de uso ético y de transparencia, buena parte del éxito de la transformación digital en la era de la IA generativa depende de la confianza de los usuarios.
Qué puede hacer Nubiral por tu empresa
El acompañamiento de un socio tecnológico experto es clave para avanzar en un proyecto de IA generativa. Porque te permite entender las tendencias de mercado, los casos de uso potenciales para tu negocio y también las implicancias más allá de la tecnología.
Para ayudar a tu organización, en Nubiral creamos el Centro de Excelencia (CoE) de IA. Este espacio destaca nuestra especialización en soluciones que se despliegan con éxito tanto en AWS como en Microsoft. También nos enfocaremos en los procesos de modernización de aplicaciones y desarrollos.
En Latinoamérica están comenzando a difuminarse todos aquellos obstáculos que, en algún momento, dificultaron la adopción de las últimas tecnologías. Empresas de la región no solo se volvieron unicornios, sino que comenzaron a competir a nivel mundial.
La clave del éxito de la transformación digital radica en la adopción de tecnologías emergentes que, aprovechando las últimas innovaciones, contribuyeron al avance global en diversos sectores. Este fenómeno no solo es una tendencia, sino una realidad en constante expansión.
Para seguir en ese camino, las empresas deben ampliar la mirada más allá de lo tecnológico. El compromiso ético, la transparencia y la adaptabilidad serán la clave de este trayecto hacia el futuro tecnológico.
¿Te interesa avanzar de manera responsable sobre tus proyectos de IA generativa? Nuestros expertos están esperando tu contacto: ¡Agenda tu reunión!
Webinar | Sustainability and Innovation: The path to an efficient and sustainable operation
Specialists in Sustainability and Business discuss the environmental problems that affect our daily lives, in addition with the benefits that the preservation of natural resources bring to companies.